16 dezembro 2008

O meu blog tem de ser um sucesso!

Descobri um guia de como ter um blog bem sucedido... Seguindo 8 regras básicas podemos tornar o nosso blog numa leitura agradável e quiçá uma fonte de rendimento estável (isso claro se as pessoas clicarem nos anúncios do Google que estão na barra do lado).
Vá... ler e aprender:

#1) Ugly Layout
If you want to have a successful blog, then you MUST have an attractive looking blog. This is the real world. Get used to it.
Não me digam que o meu blog é feio!!!

#2) Too Many Ads
People don't come to your blog for ads. It is okay to have ads. Just don't wrap your blog posts from head to toe with obnoxious ads that are going to give people a headache.
Sou muito poupadinho em anúncios... É só ali aquela barrita do lado direito...

#3) Your Site Is Too Slow
Do you want to know how much time you have got to get the attention of someone new who visits your site?About 5 seconds.


#4) You Never Update Your Blog
If you want your blog to succeed at all, you have to update it at least a couple of times per week. Otherwise you might as well forget it.

A minha média é de 1 por dia! :-)

#5) Heavy Handed Moderating
The new blog owner thinks that he or she is a little Saddam Hussein and starts insulting visitors and deleting everything in sight.

Eu tolero todos os comentários...

#6) Lack Of Moderation
This is the flip side of the problem above. Some people do not moderate their blog at all, and it ends up being a spamfest filled with shout outs for male enhancement products.

Por enquanto nada de problemas...

#7) Your Writing Stinks
If you have this problem, then you might as well stop blogging. Or go back to school.Seriously.People are coming to your blog to read your writing.If your writing stinks, people are not going to come back.

Se houvesse um Oscar para os Blogs eu estaria nomeado meus amigos!! O Steven Spielberg anda atrás de mim para um argumento...

#8) You Don't Publicize Your Blog
If you do not let people know your blog exists, then you will get very, very few visitors.

Vou tentar obrigar as pessoas a ler o blog. Seja como for os meus leitores são fiéis e exactamente aqueles que têm de ser. Em termos de audiência estou satisfeito!

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